How do Dehumidifiers work?
Hey friends, Happy Wednesday!
We’ll look at how Dehumidifiers work this week. Technically speaking, it is not going to be as intense as my usual blog posts and newsletter issues. It is rather simple to understand, chose this just so that it’s the holiday season. I aim to write my newsletter issues in a way one can follow them while traveling on a bus, having a coffee, waiting for your food, etc. Let’s jump in!
How do Dehumidifiers work?
Humidity in your room can cause mold, and mildew, and your room can feel a bit stuffy.
Damp environments can accommodate dust mites better, which is the leading cause of Asthma. So dehumidifiers remove dust, dirt, and moisture from the air making the environment less comfortable for dust mites. When it’s used in a central location, moisture around the home will be drawn into the dehumidifier.
The main purpose of a dehumidifier is to reduce the moisture in the air.
Here is how it works!!
A humidistat monitors the relative humidity in your home. And when this reaches above a certain level like let’s say 30%, the dehumidifier will switch on and begin removing moisture from the air.
The air is drawn from the outside through a fan, which goes through a panel filter that removes dust and dirt.
The air is then cooled, condensing the moisture which is removed and deposited into the water tank.
The dry air is then rewarmed using the heat generated by the dehumidifying process and is passed back into the room.
Once the tank is full of water, it can be removed. Or it can be connected to a drain line for continuous water draining. They aren’t very expensive to run in general.
And this is how it works!
Source: Dimplex dehumidifiers.
Question of the week
What is the principle of an Air humidifier and how does it work as compared to a Dehumidifier?
Gadget of the week
A wearable cane: Ara is a device for the visually impaired, that is worn on the chest like a GoPro chest mount. It is lightweight and also rechargeable. It has sensors and can detect obstacles not only at the ground level like a cane but can also scan at the head and chest levels. The sensors used are similar to a driverless car and the device communicates the object’s location to the wearer through sequenced vibrations.
Blog posts
My blog post S1 E12 is coming out next week, a couple of ideas in my mind but haven’t yet decided on the topic. I’ll notify you next Wednesday with a link to the blog post :)
Happy holidays and wish you all a happy new year! Talk to you again in 2023, next Wednesday. Thank you for reading.
Have a nice rest of the week, and take care!
Until next Wednesday,