Robotics, Controls, Planning, and Design

  • Software Engineering Intern - Uber ATG

    Worked with Controls Software team on Self-driving trucks for Summer Internship

  • SLQ-MPC Trajectory Tracking

    Refined SLQ-MPC trajectory tracking algorithm in Matlab for a pendulum, and performed a mathematical analysis

  • Autonomous ATV

    Implemented and tested throttle control for an Autonomous ATV in C++

  • Controls for an Autonomous Pipe Robot

    Steering controls and testing for a robot that goes through pipes to measure the amount of Uranium in the pipes

  • Autonomous Quadcopter Perching

    Designed a waypoint planner and control for the quadcopter to perch on a surface at any given angle using ROS middleware.

  • Motion Planning and Path Planning for arm robot, point robot

    Wrote RRT and RRT-star algorithm for a 5-DOF robot, A* search for a point robot in C++

  • Alternate Driving Mechanism for Wheelchair

    Devised a sprocket-chain mechanism for a wheelchair, and built it from scratch

  • Force Sensor

    Built a force sensor using the cantilever bending concept for a force applied

  • Cart Pole Control

    Implemented LQR control for a Furata pendulum to keep it upright and perform different motions.

  • Controls for a robot that trips a prosthesis

    Reduced controls software code complexity for a robot that can apply a force at different points to trip a user wearing the prosthetic leg.

  • Ankle Exoskeleton Design

    Engineered a pulley-cable system for an ankle exoskeleton using Solidworks

  • All Terrain Wheelchair

    Performed a Matlab optimization and fabricated a four-bar mechanism to build an all-terrain wheelchair